Simply Me

By Suze981

The joys of stretching

This is how much of a running geek I am. This is my kitchen door. Sellotaped to it is the Runner's World complete guide to stretching, RW's whole body stretches and RW's deeper stretches.

I often forget to stretch enough after my runs, but this really helps to remind me. I know it's not the world's best interior decorating, but it works for me. My old Pilates instructor once told me that for every mile you run you should stretch for 1 minute. This routine, if I do them all, takes about 10/15 minutes. Perfect stretching for the marathon if I do it twice :)

I had another bloody good run tonight. I have a half marathon on Sunday, my last official race before the big one. Tonight I ran the last half of it (the first half is a well known running route of mine already). Again, my legs felt great and I was moving faster than normal. I ran quicker than my pace from Tuesday night and that and that was already my best pace of the year! Dare I say that things are starting to click into place? I'm a happy girl!

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