.....Mother's little helper....

The Boss' medication for her abscess...or as she calls them ....The Horse Pills!

Back to work today after the Easter hols....full day teaching as well....just slipped straight back into the old routine....Yr 11 Radioactivity....Yr 9 Food Additives....Yr 7 Inheritance...yr 10 Double genetics!

Also found myself getting two breaks with hebs...one of them just the two of us....brilliant! I missed her a lot over the break...but don't tell her she'll think I'm going soft.

Back home rapidly at the end of the day to see the Boss....."Do you think the swellings gone down a bit?", she asked....I was noncommittal.....But really I think it's got bigger.

Quiz League Presentation tonight....fun quiz and supper....I drove so I couldn't drink.....the quiz was good......the supper was not brilliant...the raffle was rubbish (I didn't win anything) and as the Cricket Club had done a League and Cup double this year the presentation wasn't brilliant either. The CC are about as popular as a fart in a space suit so the applause was very low key....in fact I swear I heard some low key mutterings and heckling.

Never mind....I can put this season to bed now...there's always next year...and I get my Monday nights back....and from next week I lose my Tuesday nights because fishing coaching starts again for the summer.

I really must try to find some time for me.............

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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