....thank you very much......

........for all your comments and congratulations on my 1000th.

Have this bunch of daffs from our garden.

There were lots of suggestions.....lots of ideas....and lots of encouragement.

So this is what I decided in the wee dark hours of the morning.

I may not be one of the best photographers here.......I may not write the funniest, wittiest, thought provoking or interesting journal.....but some of you seem to like it....and I like doing it.

So........I'm going to carry on....but I'm not going to stress about finding a shot every day....or finding a song lyric for a title......or commenting on every one else's journal. If I have a photo...if I can think of a good title....if I have the time.......I will do....if not I'll catch up when there is time.

I might even do what some people suggested....just post the image......no write up.......or have a theme for a month............

I mean....how could I leave....you're all my friends now........I want to see what you've posted each day.....I want to know what's happening with you.......I want to tell you about my triumphs and disasters....and even my boring days.

So that's it.....you were all so encouraging....you're stuck with me now.

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Das vidanya moy padruga

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