....to give you mushrooms.....

Tha Boss is alot better today.... thanks for asking. She's been back to the hospital and the medico is happy that the swelling is sibsiding and is not htreatening her airway so he has told her to contact our dentist to make an appointmentfor when the swelling has all gone.

Like several others I'm a bit devoid of ideas for blips lately so tonight you get a pottery mushroom!

The Boss bought several of these at the RHS Flower Show a few years ago...they are supposed to be like wind chimes. You ram the pottery stalk into the ground and hang the bell onto it...and then wait ofr a wind to set it tinkling.

They've been out in the garden for years....we've had everything from gentle zephyrs to 80mph gales....not a bloody sound....I reckon it would take the detonation of a small thermo nuclear device to move the bell part!

Still they look pretty.

Incidentally one of my favourite movie lines is from Broken Arrow when John Travolta says "Would you mind not shooting at the thermo nuclear weapons" Now that's got to be one of the worst lines ever!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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