......y viva Espana......

The day of the walkabout supper. Left the Boss in bed and went to get the bait for tomorrow...first fishing match of the Summer League....then off to see the boys to finalise travel arrangements. When I got back the Boss was out getting the "rustic" bread and a couple of "bits and pieces".

Made plans to go over to Mandy and Pat's at 5.30 to prepare our starter course...Spanish style tapas.

The Son and Heir, Young Helen and Charlotte called in for a couple of hours......and then it was time for action.

Dropped the Boss and all the ingredients at M & P's and then delivered 4 beers and a bottle of red to Paula and Mark's...venue for the main course...and then on to Sharon and Gary's with 4 more beers and a bottle of rose for the dessert course. Took the motor back home and the Daughter whipped me back to M & P's. We set to....Mandy made me Head chef and Pat chief bottle washer....as we cooked, cut, chopped and shredded we consumed several beers and a large quantity of white wine.

We got everything ready and on the table for the planned 7.30 start with 2 minutes to spare...and here it is....from top left....down ...and back to top right....
Warm chorizo and rocket salad
Garlic mushrooms
Spanish Omlette
Mozarella topped tomato bread....vegetarians eh?
Emmenthal topped tomato bread....ditto
Serrano ham topped garlicand tomato bread
Patatas Bravas
Chorizo topped garlic and tomato bread
Rocket salad
plus olives, Grissini and two jugs of Sangria.

There should have been 16 of us...but 4 didn't turn up....including the bloody vegetarians.....several of the company had never had tapas....but it was enjoyed by all( there wasn't much left) especially the Sangria.

P & M set off for their house about 8.30 with the others while we four tidied up and then followed.

At P & M's the main course wa Chicken Kiev with a salad, a pasta salad and new potatoes...plus the veggie chilli which now wasn't needed. More alcohol flowed and about 10.15 S & G and Paula and Graham and Dianne and Keith set off to get the desserts sorted. Because the 4 missing friends were due to be helping Paula we 4 starters all stayed to help tidy up and then off we set.

At S & G's the desserts were a variety of cakes and tarts, including an amazing lemon tart made by Dianne, plus cheese and biscuits and coffee. Lots more alcohol flowed , including several malts, until at 12.45 I phoned for a taxi to get the Boss and I home, so I could get some sleep before having to be up for the fishing match.

The evening had been a roaring success.... despite the no-shows....every one was with drink taken...and the threatened rain had failed to put in an appearance, in fact as I locked up at 1.00 a,m, the sky was clear and the air was calm...perhaps the weather man had got it wrong and the fishing would be dry and maybe a tad breezy.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

To be continued..........

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