There and back again

By Mikes

The Jurassic Coast

We awoke this morning Jinx-less, as he was on a sleep over with daughter No2, so laid in until 9am!. A lazy morning ensued with a pleasant drive over to Sidmouth and a little shop at Waitrose to pick up some goodies for a lazy lunch.

Daughter No2 arrived back at about 1pm and finished off what was left of our lunch, and dropped off Jinxy, before heading off with some colleagues, for an over night stay somewhere and visiting Welbeck College tomorrow on a fact finding mission she tells me.

As jinxy was looking a little dejected, we took him off for a good run around with his ball, and I set off loaded down with tripod for some serious photography!

Although I thought that the visibility looked good, on arrival I could see that the horizon was a bit murky!!. Never mind I fired a few shots off along the coastline and backed up with some more blue bells.

On return I didn't fancy any more blipping blue bells so the coast line it was.

This has now been designated as the "Jurassic Coast" and has world heritage status. The view is from around Charmouth past West Bay and that little group of trees on a hill top called Colmers Hill. You then follow the crescent of Chesil Beach to the lsle of Portland some 30 miles away, sticking out at right angles into the Channel.

Although the original was in color, I thought that the features looked better in B&W. At the moment neither Mrs M or I feel like making tea so I don't think we will bothered!! How decadent can you get.

By the way, the before mentioned Chinese (see 11th May) are now reported to be heading north of the boarder. Keep a sharp lookout for any strange goings on.

Have a lovely evening

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