Playgroup Party

I had a very exciting day today. It was playgroup party. I had an amazing time. Even before it started I was dancing round and round. I gave all the leaders their little knitted sticking with a sweet in it.

At the party, there was dancing, singing and party games. Santa came to see us too. He gave everyone of us a present, we all got different books. I loved mine and couldn't wait to read it. I was very shy about meeting santa but gave him a cuddle just before he left.

This afternoon we had to pop out to the shops. We got lots of essentials, soap powder, nappies and fabric softener. I had lots of samples too. I also got a smoothly, which mummy had hopedi would share with her, no mummy it was all mine.

Tonight we have been very busy. We tidied lots, got lots of little jobs done. We then had our third piece of bad luck with the house. Last week it was the heating/hot water. On Monday it was the tumble dryer, (mummy has someone coming out to hopefully fix it tomorrow). Today it was the kitchen sink, the plug hole broke. The drain part fell apart, but mummy and daddy have managed to fix it together. Mummy found the part, ordered it then sent daddy to get it. While he was out mummy took the sink to bits. Daddy then put the new one together.

I am now in bed. After a very busy day I am very very tired. Hopefully a long lie tomorrow. Although I do need to try to pick up my elf hat tomorrow.

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