
By Madchickenwoman

Christmas Stitch Up?

This old chap has been sitting in the next village to me for a long time and those Yarnbombing Grannies obviously decided he needed cheering up! The local landlady knows who did it but is not telling! I love these night stealth bombings by the grannies - rather like blipping,  fun from creation to presentation! i have considered doing some myself - knitted chickens and eggs I thought! To see him in his full setting and some close ups see the Xmas Yarnbombing!
Not much done in the seasonal prep - Milly has been looking peaky - runny poo, bloody mucous in it and finally yesterday not eating and sitting with her head  sunk down into her feathers. A little no neck fluff ball! So I booked her an appointment at the vets. Wouldn't you know it looking fine today! But me, Milly and Tilly had a little excursion there just in case - I don't want a sick chicken over the holiday! Usually chickens hide their illness to prevent them from falling down the pecking order and literally being pecked. So by the time they show symptoms it can be too late. I have seen some of the girls pretending to eat to mask their symptoms! They come to the food, peck at the ground but don't actually pick anything up!
The one bit of seasonal prep I have done  today is for the animals! Cleaned the fish filter and bought shavings  for the chickens! Was going to store up on locusts and crickets for Gunther but the containers in the pet shop had been there a week and only a few of the insects in each were still alive. Hopefully the Aquarium shop will have more tomorrow as I pass on my way to the food shopping at Waitrose! Also need some white mice for Amelia - from the Aquarium not waitrose - they only do the sugared type!
I love the food shopping - the range of food and seasonal treats, the manic and single minded approach of the shoppers, even their frustration and impatience as they queue!  They might as well take the time to relax and be leisurely about it because their sighing and complaining won't make the queue go faster and they miss  the bonhomie of those that have the right attitude! 
Considering whether to decorate the tree - sister already seen it and pronounced it sad! She will be so impressed once its been decorated - if it gets decorated even!!!
Friend finally returned home today - had prep for radiotherapy and not even going to tell you where and how they tattooed her so they know where to project the beam!!!

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