Boxing Day

5years 66days 

Katie woke about 6.45 this morning. I have to confess I passed her the iPad at this point and proceeded to snooze on and off for a while longer. We were up before the rest of the household still, who surface around 10am. A leisurely start. We decided on a beach walk, as is quite traditional in Scarborough on Boxing Day. Bracing, as they say. With Harbour Bar ice cream midway. 

Katie and I then went off to see friends of ours. I have known all these three tall, strapping lads since they were babies, since birth for two of them. I babysat for them, then became their holiday childminder and then when they outgrew having a childminder, and grew taller than me, we just hung out - they've all become part of my family and me theirs. Christmas isn't Christmas without seeing them all. Katie enjoyed visiting their animals - sheep, pigs, goats, kitten. We had a lovely lunch, we played. The boys showed me their new trick of double-layer press ups (one boy pressups with the other on his back who then press ups on his back!?!) Katie showed them her splits and head touching, cartwheels and handstands. We had a wonderful time! 

Home to Grandads for tea and playtime with her new toys and her favourite old toys. She read the first few pages of a new book before falling asleep as I read to her. 

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