From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I'll tell you where you can stick that cracker!

Apologies for that dramatic title. I am trying to generate some excitement. The sad truth is that there weren't any crackers this year as I forgot to order some. Just as well really as I look silly in hats and jump at loud noises.

The last time Mom and I tried pulling a cracker between us, neither of us had that killer instinct and didn't pull properly, scared of the bang. We gave up after half an hour and took the dratted thing apart. We put the hat on a half dead yucca plant and split the miniature tool kit between us. I still have a tiny spanner somewhere....

The bad news is that I had the laziest day ever and apart from getting up and having a shower etc., I did nothing but eat and watch telly.

The good news is that the turkey is all gone now - we only had a little joint - and we can forget about turkey for another 364 days.

Tonight's dinner was my favourite - sausages (Richmond Irish thin ones) with egg and chips followed by Christmas pudding and custard as we couldn't be bothered yesterday. The custard tasted a bit weird but I finished it anyway. How horrified was I when I discovered later when washing up that there was gravy at the bottom of the pan that had been used to heat up the custard! How the hell did that happen? Bleurgh!!!!

My picture is from the West Kirk as I expect most of you have guessed already. Unfortunately it's rammed in here this evening and I have resorted to taking a picture of my pint!

It was a grey day here in Ayr so any outdoor pictures would have been rather dull in any case. I promise to make more of an effort tomorrow. I will be going to see the Red Hot Chilli Pipers at Ayr Town Hall in the evening. The last time I saw them was when I took both Mom and Dad to see them at the Citadel up the road three months before Dad died on the second hole of Turnberry, Dad's place of worship.

Oh I do like a man in a kilt! However, Mom told me that the pipers do wear underpants as she had a close look when they all turned around quickly at the Citadel.

Track? We might as well have something from the Pipers - The Hills Of Argyll/Highland Cathedral

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