Macro Madness

Well what a morning I've had.  Jolang and Curt kindly invited me around to their home so that I could practise with my new macro lens.  They have the most amazing garden.  If you're not inspired by the spectacular veggies you'll certainly be impressed with their incredible Dahlias and Lilies.

Subjunctive was right, I'm going to have to learn some Yoga moves and that's not going to be easy for me.  Never have been the most flexible kid on the block.  Anyway it was just great to have so much to practise on and after the gymnastics we were treated to a lovely cup of coffee.

I have added some additional images here and I hope you enjoy my Macro Madness.  I feel like I'm just starting out on a very exciting new adventure.  didn't realise I would have to join a yoga class as well though!!

Many thanks to Paladian and Trisharooni for their tips and advice.  Aren't blippers just wonderful!!!!

PS - the wonderful thing about this image for me - I didn't even realise there were ants on the flower until I put it up on the computer screen :-) - Probably shouldn't have given that little piece of information away!!

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