Let it rain......

Please let it rain.  We spent most of tonight getting our hay in, just in case it rained.  TeeJay took a photo today of the hay rowed up, ready for the contractor to arrive to bale it.

This photo was taken early this evening, just before the sun went down.  We were busy carting in the hay from the paddocks to the sheds.  You can see how dry it is from the golden landscape, and the dust trail left behind after Farmerboy drove down the alley way.  

We had a high of 36.8 c today.  It was just far too hot.  The turnips we planted for supplement feeding have shriveled up, and the maize is starting to look dehydrated.  The grass is crunchy under foot.  We desperately need some rain.  Hopefully we may get some this weekend.

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