
Wow! Big day. Angus had Squidge which freed me up to do some work, meet my sis for lunch and get my hair cut. What should have been a sort of half jolly, half productive day turned into full on madness though.

Work was so busy. I found out I had to be on a urge crisis management call for one of our clients with the US but was in the middle of town with nowhere to go. Luckily some friends in a restaurant came to my rescue with a private dining room, wifi and a strong coffee. And the call went very well.

Managed to meet my sis Jo for a quick healthy lunch and natter (picture is a beautiful chandelier in Bill's which is fast becoming my favourite new spot in Manchester).

Then met a client for a PR chat and ended up shaking on a deal to go into business with him. Am bloody scared but excited too. I spotted some potential in something he's doing and decided to ask if he'd consider letting me in on it (not the PR, the business). I hope I don't regret this. It will mean a LOT of work, investment (at a time when we're buying a house - not ideal) and extra hours but the financial pay off should be worth it. I've always wanted a second business on top of my PR consultancy and have seen lots of opportunities over the years but not gone for them. I have decided to take the bulls by the horn with this one. Am not passing this up it's too good. It's time. Gulp!

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