Magical day

"Snow had fallen steadily all night long and in the morning I woke in a room filled with light and silence, the world seemed to be held in a dream-like stillness. It was a magical day..."

The Snowman, Raymond Briggs

Was put in mind of this quote this morning. As we woke up to snow falling thick and fast and I had nowhere to be except with Squidge at home. It really was quite magical!

We had a lazy breakfast, TV flop (while I typed up my new business plan notes - woke up at 5am buzzing this morning), made a snowman, sang a lot of Frozen, baked chocolate cornflake cakes, read books, played with Duplo. It was brilliant!

She was a happy wee thing hanging out with her Mum all day and has gone down like a dream in her cot tonight. Which is just as well as after a bowl of soup, I'll be back at the laptop! Sign of things to come?

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