Disastrous date

As Angus and I hadn't seen each other much recently, we had earmarked Friday afternoon for a date day with plans for dinner yesterday evening to follow.

But my work is crazy especially with this new business opportunity looming so I was distracted and not in the best mood.

Angus was also tired (he is having health problems again) and a little fractious too.

The perfect recipe for disaster!

Add on top the fact that we went to watch the brilliant, but sombre American Sniper, we really didn't stand much chance of it being romantic.

We both came out of the cinema anxious and moody. Then when we got home there was a misunderstanding about keys which resulted in Angus being locked out while I walked Squidge home from nursery.

Squidge seemed to sense we were going out and refused to settle for sleep.

We finally got to the restaurant (see unimaginative pic of me in the toilets as per usual), hit the booze hard and concluded the night with a massive row about money (new house, new business etc) and a silent taxi ride home.

Angus slept in the spare room. We both woke up with hangovers and there have been tears and attempts to make up this morning. Think we're both a little bruised. What a horrible 24 hours :(

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