
By briocarioca

Fresh frog

Mr Frog was starting to appropriate the dog’s water bowl, so I pulled out this old aluminium one, and surrounded it with logs to try to deter Kayla from drinking from it (when Mr. Frog is not in residence, that is). He seems to approve of the scheme. He’s one big baby, I reckon he must measure the best part of five inches, and that’s without stretching his legs.
Golf today, but I used my knees as an excuse for stopping after nine (they agreed it was a good idea). A beautiful day, a pleasant temperature and dew on the grass at first, but pretty hot by the time I stopped – and I wasn’t the only one that didn't stay the course. I then wandered around with the camera and got a few nice shots of a thrush and a squirrel. HH wasn’t playing in the competition, but got a game and played 10 holes. I tried to take advantage of the club's wifi, but it was treacle-slow and I couldn't upload my blip even after the photo had uploaded 100% (twice. So now back home and  started all over again. Third time lucky?
Have a good weekend everyone!

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