......Ring, ring, why don't you.......

Bed last night around 1.15.....woke at 4.30....hot and thirsty. Downstairs for a drink......fell asleep and woke again at 7.00.....hot and thirsty.

Ablutions performed, dressed and out for the bait...called at Tesco to buy another red table for Charlotte to have at home....and then back home to see off Jungle Rob and Sue.

Got in touch with the phone company to upgrade and settled for same contract and this nifty little HTC wildfire.

The Daughter came with me down to town to pick up the phone and we both decided to buy shorts and T-shirts for this hot weather.

On the way back to the car I was accosted by a woman....the conversation went like this:
Excuse me but your Mr.G---------- aren't you?
Yes I am.
I'm Jake's mum.
(Oh God what's coming now, what's she want to complain about)
Oh yes, I remember from Parent's Evening.
I'd just like to say "Thank you" for the part you've played in his education these last few years.
(Bloody hell, knock me down with a feather)
Well thank you, he's worked really well.
Yes, but he always speaks so highly of you and he says he couldn't have done so well without you.
Thank you again but really he's put in a lot of hard work.
Oh yes, I know, but before he moved to your class he really didn't like Science and wasn't too good...but now he loves it and we know hes already passed one GCSE with a B and is on track for an A this year, and it's all because of you.
Well thank you again.
No thank you Mr.G-----------. Have a nice day.

And off she went...for once the Daughter didn't say "Bloody hell did you teach/know every one in this town" Instead she said "Bloody hell Dad that was amazing".

Tootled around for the rest of the day in the blazing heat, cleaning up after last night's barbie and then watched the England game tonight, pretty poor really and how many times did the commentators say, "Here's --------from the Champions Manchester Shitty and he hasn't played for their first team since March/eight weeks/seven weeks/five weeks ago"....and we're relying on them for a major Championships....not going to happen is it?

The Boss is home now, the Daughter is out and we're going to settle down to watch CSI before I head off for bed....up at 5.30 in the morning....I know, I know.

The work on the new bathroom starts on Monday....if this weather keeps up it'll be fun without a shower or a bath for a week or so.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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