Better late than never

We had planned to have Sunday dinner here last week, but we got waylaid by the decorating and didn't manage to go.

It's a place we visited last summer and thoroughly enjoyed, so we said we would go back again.

The car park was packed as we pulled in, but once inside, we were shown to a table without any fuss at all.

The food was great, good old fashioned lamb shank and gravy for both of us. It was delicious.

Today has been fairly chilled; a decent lie in then a couple of hours at my sister's with Theo. The meal was a lovely way to end the day.

Back to work for both of us tomorrow, but it's a short week as we are off to Riga on Thursday for the weekend. We are both really looking forward to it, more so as we weren't meant to be starting the decorating until after the trip and it's almost all done now :-)

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