....oh what a feeling.....

So here it is, the new improved, shiny white, lower ceiling in the bathroom.
Today they have fitted the ceiling and plastered and run the piping for the shower and the heated towel rail. Tomorrow is the final skim, maybe by Friday they'll do the tiling.

The guys doing the job asked if we wanted them to work the Bank Holidays.......too bloody right I do....the amount of money we're paying...the inconvenience of not having a bathroom for five days before they even start fitting the new stuff....as if I'm going to say ok to a two day holiday in the middle of the job.. The gave us a date for the work.....not us giving them a date....so it falls over a holiday....tough!

Work is dragging this week....still two days to go...a late finish tonight and tomorrow we're all out at the Leaver's Ball until late and then a full day Friday.

I need a good lie in!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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