Roseburn Place

There I was, lost in an early morning revere; reminiscing about my old commute through Roseburn Park, when I was rudely dragged from my cocoon by a cyclist heading the other way.

Clearly not sobered up enough from Saturday's shenanigans to drive, there was instography; Genesis Croix de Fer and all (disc brakes, Brookes saddle - and me with my cheapo Ridgeback hack bike for working - normally I am out on a Giant - obviously...)

I coerced him into posing for my blip - he said ''Don't do what imindoors did to dwalletta' - so as requested - no wrinkles. 

White paint on grease smeared window on the side of Tiger Lin takeaway; dated 14. No frills, no fuss (no room, really)

Blip done, I turned and head off into the wind, thinking up excuses I could give to my 9 am appointment as to why I was late.

I bumped into Insto isn't going to work, is it?

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