
By Fisherking

Our friend Val's funeral today............tragically drowned a couple of weeks ago........swept into the river at the bottom of her garden at the height of the storm.

The turn out was massive, more than 50 of us couldn't get into the crematorium..........all of us in bright colours as requested........the "do" afterwards was amazing....a marquee on the village green..........right at the rear of Val's house across the river from the site of the accident.

As she would have wanted the music was loud, the drink flowed and the food was simple and hearty. Val was a lover of sea shells and the tables were decorated with hundreds from her collection..........and we w ere all instructed to take one to remember her by...........this is mine.

We met up with many old friends......some of who we haven't seen for a long time............but what this year has taught us so far is to live for the we are going to meet up more often..........and the Boss and I are starting tomorrow!

The nephew is playing in the BT Scottish Rugby Union Cup Final at Murrayfield..........and we are getting up early and driving up there to watch!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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