........pink sky, pink flowers......

Original title eh?

Sorted out a problem with Dad's hot water this morning..........fixed up to have his new washing machine fitted............even persuaded him to come stay with us for a few days (not that there was ever really any danger of him not doing so!)

Just over 100 miles from Dad's to here....usually about a 2 hour drive....or just over.....today almost 4 hours! It took us 25 minutes to get from Dad's house to the other side of the village.........the A19 was chocca with lorries..and don't you just love it when they do that trick of one pulling out to pass another just as they start to go uphill...........so the road is blocked for about the next three miles and hundreds of cars jam up behind the pair of tossers.............followed by the 100m of road works that had somehow managed to build up queues of traffic for about half a mile each side of the temporary traffic lights.........then the A59....stuck behind a caravan for about 5 miles.....and then realising it wasn't the caravan causing the tailback but the bloody idiot in front of him out for the tootle about at 25 mph in the old Corsa...........then the fool in front who was driving at 40 on a National speed limit section (70mph) and insisting on slowing down on every up hill section...and braking for every bend and down hill section...........the prats driving at 60 mph on the M65....hogging the middle lane...and the tits in the outside lane doing 90 mph!..........so to pass was almost impossible........and finally the bearded pillock in the beat up P reg Range Rover who pulled out in front of me on the B6214 over Holcombe Hill....and then managed to do a microcosm of the day by driving slowly,slowing down up hills, braking for bends and downhills and generally being a complete tool virtually all the final 3 miles to home.

I had phoned this morning and booked dad in for a hair cut at 6.30....with Jill who cuts my hair. He wasn't too happy with the time..........he certainly wasn't happy that a woman was going to cut his hair........and when they put the black cape and collar on him I thought he was going to have a seizure.........but seeing as he hadn't been for a cut since before Christmas (his hair was longer than mines been for the last 10 years.........and mine used to be shoulder length as a teenager) he just had to grit his teeth........the spray came out....the clippers went into battle......then the scissors...........when she told him she was doing his ears and eyebrows too his eyebrows nearly vanished into his hair line............and then the blow dry.

She did a bloody good job though.......he looks good........especially the feathered sides and the spikey top!.......he won't let me blip it though.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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