I had visited my friend Jeanne and enjoyed a walk through her garden. My eye caught a wonderful climbing plant with such beautiful, strange flowers.
What plant is that, I had asked and she told me the name.
Later I bought two Akebias and brought them to our german house, planted them at different spots.
Nothing much happened since then. One grew high up, the other not that much, but both showed no flowers. Till now that is. The big one has a bunch of flowers, they are little, not so spectacular as clematis flowers can be, but I am delighted nevertheless.
In the morning I thought it a good idea to give water to my new plants and seeds. And look how amazing since the afternoon it rains and rains.
It gives a cosy feeling sitting inside and hearing the drops fall constantly.

My haiku:

Some dance for the rain
To come, some water the earth
I do both when I can

And the proverb:

Abstain from beans.

(From the latin  Abstineto a fabis, Abstain from beans.
i.e. from elections. Erasmus who quotes Empedocles who wrote in greek language)

1662  Fuller(Leics.)
Meddle not with the matters of state; because anciently men cast in abean when they gave their  suffrages in public elections.

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