Halton station

There used to a railway line that ran up the eastern side of the river Lune. A few years ago, a section of the old line from just north of Caton down to Lancaster was converted to a path for walking, running and cycling. I've often fancied running along it and today I had the opportunity. 

There was one drawback, however. I like to run either from one place to another or in something loosely resembling a circle. What I don't like is running along, say, a canal and then turning 'round and running back again, which I find disproportionately boring. However, that was my only option, today.

Thus, I left the car at the parking area just north of Caton and ran down to the point where the path goes under the M6, which was three miles. And then I ran back again. I think I maybe would have enjoyed it more if the weather had been a bit brighter - it was very overcast - or if, indeed, I was running a circuit. 

There was one highlight, though: the old station at Halton. This is over the other side of the river from the village and the old bridge survives (which you can drive across, although it's single file). You can read about the station on Wikipedia here, which has a very similar photo to mine, except clearly taken on a sunnier day! One thing that intrigued me about the article, though, was the mention of the "Heysham–St Pancras boat train", which I'm going away to Google now, not least because I can't imagine how its route took it through Halton.

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