Mirror, Mirror

Today, the Minx and I took the kids to The Range, in Preston. Such is the lure of this slice of retail Heaven, which I must admit I'd never heard of before, that the Minx's mum opted to join us there. Basically, it's a big shop full of stuff for the home and garden. What took me by surprise was how comprehensive some areas were: an enormous range of water-colours, here, a couple of aisles of mouthwatering stationery there.

Elsewhere, there were aisles of soft furnishings and, curiously, Dan and Abi have always had a bit of a thing about cushions, so we spent a bit of time there, pondering, amongst other things, just who might buy the cushion featuring the dog on a motorbike. Happily, for them, the Minx had charged each of us with choosing a cushion for her new 'yarden', so there was much pondering and picking up of cushions for a squeeze.

I'd also told Dan and Abi that they could get a couple of things for their bedrooms at the cottage and both opted for a mirror. Abi's room has needed a proper tidy and hoover for a while now, so as soon as we got home we tackled that and then we put the mirror up. Here's the mirror, then, along with Abi.

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