A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

How many parents hate their children?

He's either trying to remember the statistic he read about that or how many parents lie to their children to make things easier. He decided there was no point asking me that question.

Other than kind of getting my accounts up to date (well nearly), and a phone call to review some work from last week, I'm not entirely sure what I have done today. Well a dog walk to Friday Night Fives. A couple of school runs and taking Anna and pals to a drama class. Fed some people and a dog. Did a HIIT session. And ironed one shirt. Oh, and went to collect J's bike from being serviced ahead of his cycling proficiency test next week. Only to find Carlos had taken Anna's bike by mistake. So I collected that instead. There's a promise of fixing J's tomorrow if "we" get it there first thing. And I really think that might be it. And somehow I seem to be exhausted. Hurrah for the weekend.

Lesley x

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