Challenges lay ahead...

Can I just say that I had my Blip all laid out this evening. Two swans with their new signets merrily going up and down the river - only to find a fellow Blipper had got their first. Disappointing to read I must admit and a yellow card is likely to be issued....

Therefore Plan B and a slightly more embarrassing image. Now before I get lambasted can I just say that 1. I haven't spent anytime in my garden since late September (other than to get my bike out of the shed) 2. It's been a busy few months 3. I don't actually own a lawnmower 4. I'm not sure modern men mow the lawn 5. It's going to be so difficult I keep putting it off. 6. I don't own a lawnmower 7. The cats like pretending they're Sheerkhan in the jungle. 8. I want Google Earth to pick it up. 9. I don't own a lawnmower 10. I now can't find Fred the Tortoise...

I must admit I am slightly ashamed by this but equally quite proud. My neighbours must think we're like Enid Blyton's The Twits.

Tomorrow evening I shall cut it - I promise - but I need a lawnmower first...

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