S is for ..... seedhead

Had thought that today's blip would be from Minsmere but when I spotted this Clematis seedhead in my garden, I couldn't resist, especially in the sunlight. You see these in the hedgerows coomonly know as Old Man's Bears when they turn fluffy. If you look at it large then you'll see the 'hair' beginning to appear.

It was raining when I woke up this morning. Had planned to do some gardening but decided instead to go to tog up and go to Minsmere. It was the right decision as the weather dried up and was actually quite sunny and warm at times. However, it was impossible to get the clothing right, especially when on the beach with a nor'easterly blowing.

The count for the day was 4 Bitterns (2 flying and 2 out in open, one far off and one in the same place as the other week for about 10 minutes), a number of Marsh Harriers hunting, Hobbys, Avocets, Cetti's Warbler (actually SEEN!!), Sedge Warblers, Reed Buntings, Tree Creeper, various Terns and other Gulls, the usual suspects and others I couldn't identify.

P.S. The sole fell off my hiking boot on the way back to the visitor centre. Boots just don't last. They're only 25 years old!!

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