Under the bridge...

Now some of the cattle are out,was able to let the men off at the weekend. Fed everything my self,and enjoyed the peace!
Mrs Farmerboab had to take Little Miss to a birthday party at the water activity place near Dunbar,so I was nominated to take Junior Farmerboab to the annual village spring walk. There were 3 routes to choose from,so plumped for the 3hr one which followed the river North Esk through the glen then back through the policies ,past Arniston House then back to the village hall for lunch.
Enjoyed the walk,the craic and seeing bits of the estate I'd never seen,or not seen for years. This bridge is known locally as Sandy's Brig and carries the main road. Have never seen it from below. My dad used to tell the tale of shifting cattle over the bridge once ,when old Ben the collie jumped what he thought was the wall to get passed them and fell all the way down to the river below. He survived ,but was never much use for working again. The extra picture is me in my push chair,and old Ben,and Fly.

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