Simply Me

By Suze981

Home James

And don't spare the horses!

This is both my favourite and worst part of a holiday. Worst as it always seems to take ages. This time the flight home is only 4 hours 20, but there's all the time hanging around at the airport first, then getting home from the airport when you do land. It's all so exhausting!

Then of course you have to unpack. This ranks alongside hoovering and ironing for me - I can't bear to do these tasks unless absolutely necessary. The only thing I can do now is unpack immediately when I get home. I'll get home close to 1am, but I'll unpack and load the washing machine straight away. Otherwise the case will become a white elephant in the corner of the room.

Now for my favourite part. I have travelled a lot. I have seen a lot. I have experienced a lot. Having an anthropological background, I love visiting and exploring different cultures. But what I've learned over the years, is that there is no better feeling than coming home. It doesn't matter how long you've been away for or how far.

I love that moment when you're nearly there and you get a sensation that is like an internal sigh. Home. The corner of the world I belong in. Don't get me wrong, Home has changed a lot over the years, but it's always a place I love.

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