...Wizards, winkles and where's Aunty Rachel?....

Bright sunny warm day...even at 5.30 a.m.

Everyone up early......the Daughter has a train to catch.

She's leaving a day early because she has a wedding to go to tomorrow.

After breakfast the Boss and I drove her up to Fort Willy..........theS & H, YH Charlie and Hannah followed on.......she was on the 11.40 train to Glasgow.....an hour or so to kill....and then the shuttle bus to the airport........a flight to Manchester......then a train from the airport to Bolton....and then a taxi home to Bury...all that and cheaper and quicker than travelling all the way by train!

After seeing her off we carried on past Neptune's Staircase and on to Glen Finnan....to see the viaduct in the Harry Potter movies and the statue.......the S&H was disappointed that not one train full of junior wizards passed while we were there!

From there we drove on to the shores of Loch Airlort for a picnic lunch...and then further on to the beach at Ardlow where Charlie collected hundreds of winkles....and then released them all into the loch.....after an hour or two on the beach in the sun where we all had fun except Hannah....who was decidedly upset at toppling into the sand face first and getting a mouthful!.....we carried on round the peninsula to the Corran Ferry (see Sunday's blip)........dinner in the Ardgour Inn...and then onto the ferry. Charlie, Hannah, Yh and I went as foot passengers again...the Boss and the S&H drove the cars onto the ferry.

A family staying in the hotel jumped the queue of cars........the ferry crew evened the score by placing them in a separate bay on the deck...thereby ensuring they would be last off!...and I have a suspicion that they hadn't checked the ferry times and didn't realise that the last one back was at 9.30.......only an hour after the ferry we were on!...........if they missed it they had a long.... 30+ mile.... trip round the peninsula to get back to their hotel!

A short drive back to the house.......children to bed....and then the packing started...the holiday ends tomorrow.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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