James and Susan

It's been a lovely day of sunshine.  There had been a few showers in the morning but then soon passed with the breeze blowing.

It's been a busy morning in the museum and a bit quieter in the afternoon.  I met up with mam at lunchtime for a cuppa and a yarn.  
This evening I've been down to Levenwick to see granny.  She's in the care home there for a few weeks and hope to get her back home again soon.  I had planned to get out planting in the garden but the forecast isn't looking good for tomorrow, think I'll leave the plants where they are until it calms down again.
Off to work in the pub tonight.

The quiet afternoon in the museum gave James Bolam and Susan Jameson a enjoyable visit.  They have been in various places around Shetland this past week and seem to be enjoying our island.  They were very friendly and allowed me to snap a photo of them visiting, shame the flash didn't go off, it's made the photo a peerie bit fuzzy.  Taken at the croft house in the Shetland Museum, Lerwick.

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