Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Birthday treat

Archie went to visit his friend Michelle for the day. We dropped him off at her flat and stayed for a cuppa and to see the delivery of new chairs. Archie went straight to look under the sofa. And yes, he had left a tennis ball there last time he visited!

We took advantage of a very good birthday month offer from a certain pizza restaurant - a free bottle of prosecco! Our favourite branch is in Stockbridge, so bussing down makes a nice day out. Add in the Stockbridge market as a bonus. We didn't buy the 'dog beer' but got the lad a wee toy instead.

A marvellous lunch. And we can manage a whole bottle between us nae bother! I resisted the Eton Mess Cheescake, due to the previous dough balls and ginormous pizza, so a wee chocolate brownie with my flat white was ideal.

I took my iPod, and was able to keep up with the (sports) news on the bus (and in the restaurant) with the free wifi. Also took some photos with it, but not sure how good it is.

When Archie came home, he went crazy - charging round, leaping on all the furniture, yelping.

Home in time for the last few tennis sets - well done Murray! Golf now.

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