River Clyde from Dumbarton Castle

No sense of direction?  Moi?  I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag today:-)

After lunch in Stirling, the original plan was for friend M. and I to look at Stirling Castle from the outside, then drive on to visit The Kelpies.  So we duly looked at and photographed the Castle in lovely sunshine and then decided that, as we were there, we might as well visit it and save the Kelpies for another day.

I drove up the narrow steep hill to the Castle Esplanade, only to find the car park full and all the others nearby full as well.  Not knowing Stirling at all well, we decided to revert to our original plan so I joined the motorway  - only to realise too late that it was the wrong motorway and I was heading to Glasgow!

Nothing daunted, we carried on to Dumbarton Castle where we climbed almost to the top of the thousands dozens of steps to get this view down the Clyde.

A refreshing tea stop on the way home rounded off a lovely, but entirely unplanned day!

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