Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

I love this camera!

I've had such a busy day today. It started first thing this morning when I finally went to battle with the bathroom. You'll be pleased to hear that I won on this occasion but I don't think it'll be long before the bathroom will start to triumph once more (especially with 3 boys in the house)!

After dinner, I bought some bedding plants and then did my summer tubs. I've gone for a very patriotic red, white and blue in view of everything that's going on in Britain this year.

I then went food shopping and cooked the tea when I got home. So it was quite late when I decided to go and find a blip. My poppies have just started flowering and I took a few shots of them in very poor light. I'm very happy with the results! As I say, I love my camera!!!!!

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