Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

It's over!

Dropped Archie off for his sleepover yesterday evening. The girls seem really nice, and he has a wee enclosed garden to play in.

We walked to our daytime dog friendly cafe for an evening meal. Mobbed! Very Noisy! I'm pleased things are going well for them. Mind you everywhere that served food and drink was packed to the gunnels. Then we walked round by George Square, which was buzzing, and looked great! Too tired to hang around for a show.

We missed the lad last night, but boy! I did enjoy that long lie in this morning...

It needed doing... it wasn't raining, we couldn't go out because the special delivery was expected, and Archie wasn't here to get in the way, so there was nothing else for it - I cut the hedge. JR did the hard bit - sweeping up. Then I was so puggled I had to sit and watch the Athletics for an hour or so to recover.

Then the parcels arrived! Two new iPhones. Just basic ones, but quite an upgrade from the dodgy mobiles we've always had. I've just spent an hour or so setting them up. I need help from my little techie pal, J. She's been lured over tomorrow with the promise of lunch.

We picked Archie up from his new (trial) sitters, and he's had a lovely time. The girls loved him and their schnauzer, Charlie, came this afternoon, so of course, Archie was very happy. He's flat out in his own sofa tonight - tired out. I will join him very soon!

The Fringe is nearly over. The madhouse Royal Mile will return to its usual sedate-ness. Archie will not be thrust into strangers' arms any more! Here's a round up of spares.

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