
By Madchickenwoman


A strange weather day - very, very still, strange clouds and occasional sunshine. Still days seem timeless and as if in suspended animation, as if something ominous is looming. The village seemed still and quiet. 
Ages spent with the chickens, feeding, cleaning, trying to photograph them! Ever since they all walked in a line they seem to be on a mission to prevent me getting a photograph! They go one, sometimes two at a time, and it's just not the same! Still I have till thursday to keep trying! 
Off to tavistock for an eye test - puff in the eyes, rather like a camel spitting at you! - bright light in the eyes and spot the seemingly random lights - always seems like a test that I feel I am losing points on! No new lenses needed plus under guarantee so the scratches will be repaired for free!! 
I tried looking in the charity shops in the hope my coat would be there - it wasn't,  but met  Bearded Man from the village in one - he wondered why dead walkers were no longer  dying / donating their gear to charity shops!! I wondered why when you never had time to really shop you always saw loads of interesting things! I know if I had loads of time nothing on close examination would be of any good! But my parking limit was fast approaching so possible missed goodies it was! 
On the way from my eye test and to the supermarket I decided to visit this place - all you can see from the road is the old graveyard and an impressive gatehouse-  I have passed it numerous times and always thought how good it would be to go in and explore it - but it is on a busy road and no carpark. So having parked at the supermarket, and it being a lovely day, off I set back down the road on foot. Crossing said road was a giddy nightmare! 
Imagine my surprise when I discovered this wasn't a church but a crematorium!!! All the ones I have been to have been modern and non too inspiring, this one looked like a folly! Highly peculiar and suited the strange atmosphere of the day! I  bought all manner of cream cakes, plus other food of course, whilst I go along with Marie Antoinette's declaration ( which apparently she never actually made - just  said she did in subsequent histories when pro-revolutionary historians sought to demonstrate the obliviousness and selfishness of the French upper-classes at that time! ) I know I cannot live by cake alone!
Once home I unpacked, walked Portly, visited friend who was fast asleep so Portly and I creeped back out, then sat in the sort of sun intending to read - yep, fell asleep again! But woke well in time to catch a stunning sunset as putting girls to bed. As I left I saw a fox slink across the road into the field below the allotments, so had to go up to the allotment girls to make sure they were safely locked up! Which they were! 
Early night for me - maybe tomorrow I will get my line of chickens! 

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