Chirpy Not!

Have not been feeling lively  the last few days - sleeping most afternoons and shoulder blade aching. Today I feel even less lively. Can't believe that it could be  a return of the post neuralgia from Shingles, did wonder if my fall  on Dartmoor had done something, but today it is a burning feeling again, like the old bees buzzing.  The pain in both hands and feet I have been experiencing has got worse, although I did realise my  right hand is worse as that's where Lucy pulled on her lead yapping at another dog the other day. After sleeping this afternoon I had to take bags of food up to the allotment - they have been in the back of my car since wednesday but have not had the energy to take them up there, but had to if they are to be fed tomorrow! Well I didn't perspire like a lady - I will say no more about that! 
So - not feeling too chirpy and very much doubt I will be doing a walk on Dartmoor in all my new gear this tuesday as planned! Bummer! 

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