Oh I Do Like To Be......

As Friends daughters both returned yesterday I was able to plan a day of fun. I decided to do the Open Studios around Torpoint and visit Cawsands by the sea. I messaged Vegan Jo on the off chance she could join me and to my delight she could!It took us a while to find the first Studio - Google Maps got us so far then got  stuck on Dawlish and finding me a restaurant! After getting directions from a woman in her garden we eventually found Jill Holland and her wonderfully airy studio and ceramics. I bought two gorgeous small cups and having admired and photographed some items on her window shelf I discovered they were her colour swatches, and she pulled out a box and there were a plethora of swatches - a box of art in itself!
We then headed to where Jo had seen a vegetarian and vegan cafe on the headland - only we could not find it and no mobile reception, not that google would have been much help after it's useless performance earlier! So after looking at the view from a coastguards house that we did inadvertently find, we went straight to Cawsand Bay for Scampi and chips for me and chips and mushy peas for her! We sat overlooking the small beach and the view of Plymouth Sound and just chatted and watched the beach goings on ! 
It is just a typical old seaside beach - despite the modern boats, wet suits and snorkels, families do what families have always done, relaxed in the sun with their partners and or  children, making sandcastles, reading, paddling, swimming. The whole area was just so busy with people and boats and it was just very familiar, very normal, just food for the soul - people being happy. Despite everything that is happening with friend I was just carefree and happy with Jo in the sun. We talked of her and the many things thrown up by her situation, but we also spoke of other things and just savoured our time together on the beach, being happy, watching happy people.  You can see what we saw here if you want a slice of happiness! 
For full detail of the various activities on the beach and sea go large!!!

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