
2years 242days

Dont you know how much effort it takes to balance a ball on a bat and then attempt to hit it, especially when you are 2.5 years old? Katie does.

We got invited very early this morning to go spend the day with friends of mine from university, one of whom happens to live in our old village. So we got to have a lovely day with babies Charlie and Max, aged 5 and 2months respectively and Maisie, 20months. Ktaie liked being hte big girl. And liked playing with lisa's cats, or trying to at least. The cats made a good effort of running away. They all had a great time playing in the garden and had a picnic outside together. The girls mainly ate cheese. A lot of it!

We went for a walk to the park, and the three babies all slept. Katie pushed Charlie's pram most of the way and was very proud. We arrived and found the toddler park sealed off for repairs so Katie went on the VERY big girls slide and the big girls swing and the big girls roundabout. And loved it a lot. A quick ice lolly later and it was time to get the bus home. Katie had a snooze before we cycled home. A bit of gardening and tidying, and she's about to go play out with her little friend before grannygrandad come for tea.

And in other news, Katie has come up with a genius plan for dealing with junk mail. She posts it back out of the letter box from which it came.

PS: Last years blip is one of my very favourites at that age.

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