JL's Tomb

It is amazing what one sees if one doesn't have a car, although I'm not entirely sure the benefits are worth the loss of four wheels.
Still, on our way home from asking advice from the shop where we bought our oh so smart television, of which more later, we came across this tomb in a tiny public enclosure in Greenhill Gardens.
It appears that John Livingstone died aged 53 in the plague of 1645. This makes sense of the information once given to us by a taxi driver that the common gardens nearby contained the bodies of plague victims.

Our oh so smart television has taken to giving the odd blink in the picture, and this appears to emanate from some malfunction between the satellite box and the TV. Apparently all I need to do is watch Freeview instead of satellite and the problem will be resolved. However with 3 remote controls to juggle, I'm not sure I will be able to do with Freeview what I can do with satellite in the recording stakes.

I produce two savvy technical sons but where are they when I need them? Neither are within reach and with His Lordship an artist at heart, I am feeling as if I'm up the creek on my own without a paddle.

My extra photo is the accompanying description to the tomb.

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