Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Sunday Morning Bike Ride

Start late on my Sunday morning bike ride as I didn't manage to do basic maintenance on Saturday, and I want to see if the family pc will start up.

I decide to head south so that I can take advantage of the breeze to get me home. In Midlothian, people are cycling around in shorts and short sleeved tops. I head over the Granites to head for Innerleithen. Just as I do so, the grey cloud appear, and it looks like I might get rained on.

So I take my blip picture just as I descend showing one of the burns that flow from the high Moorfoot Hills in to the Heriot Water. As I head south the grey clouds threaten rain, but it comes to nothing. I enjoy the long descent to Innerleithen, even if I did have to pedal downhill.

At Innerleith, I head Traquair, and decide not to head up Paddy Slacks, and turn on to the back B road that passes Traquair House's main gate heading for Peebles.

Road around Peebles are quite wet, but I have missed the rain. I don't take the main road heading west and head through Cademuir. I realise that its later than I think, and I'd better get home.

As its getting late, I turn up the Meldons Rd to Eddleston, and head home along the A703, A6094 and B7026. In a hurry, I'm glad I have the wind behind me, and the long descent to Auchendinny. There is a steep short climb up Auchendinny Brae, but once on the flat, the ride back to Fairmilehead along the Seafield Moor Road seems quick. I get the lights in my favour too. :-) I'm home about twenty to two.

A quick lunch, then my partner and I go to Newington to visit the charity shops and afternoon coffee. And cake.

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