
In an ideal world, I'd have seen Dan and Abi, this evening, but that wasn't to be, so instead I went for a swim. There's a beautiful view from Whoop Hall, where I swim, but it's very flat, with hills in the distance, and consequently quite hard to capture its splendour (at least for an amateur photographer like me). When I came out after my swim, though, the sun was just setting and for once I was able to take a photo that just about did the scenery justice.

It's an interesting thing about exercising, how you seem to go through ebbs and flows in your performance. I swim a mile once or twice every week and for the last few months I have consistently been taking around thirty-seven minutes. Out of the blue, last week, I swam my mile in just over thirty-five minutes and I did the same this evening. I don't know what's changed but it's very encouraging.

I'd planned to treat myself to some ribs from the Chinese takeaway when I got back to Kirkby Lonsdale, only to find it doesn't open on Tuesdays. Still, a quick root around in the fridge led to the discovery of some chilli peppers in brine and a whole Camembert, which made for a rather unorthodox but still enjoyable supper. And I find that everything tastes great after swimming.

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