Went down the river bank and into the woods with Compassionate Girl and Nellie of the Woods looking for Fly Agaric. We didn't find any but we had a fine walk! 
Compassionate Girl is a counselor and has just received a big sum of money which will be used with children who have been sexually abused. I was horrified and shocked to my very core to hear that 1 in 5 children are victims of this - the younger they are the more vulnerable they are and we are talking babies and toddlers. Apparently over 70 % of abusers were abused themselves. Compassionate girl set up and runs her support as a charity, over the years being funded by the National Lottery and Children In Need. Without such organizations help and support for these children is woefully sparse - helps to partly explain the high incidence perhaps?

After the walk we had coffee and ice cream from the riverside parlour - Blueberry for me again! I had just put my lunch on and started to process the photographs when Gilesey rang offering Lasagne and SCD results show followed by Downton Abbey! Well how could I refuse such a wonderful offer! Plus The Antiques Roadshow was coming from Williams Yard in Plymouth! Perfection! Shame I abused her hospitality by spilling tea on her laptop! No damage done, apart from to her carpet and knee which I swiftly  swiped the tea onto with the cuff of my posh jumper! I did take her eggs and pudding so I hope she forgives me! Must mention possibly the highlight of the eve - Nibbler rushing at the TV screen to bark at the dogs that had appeared on it! Too funny!

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