Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Frozen Peas

A good night's sleep and then a relaxed morning with coffee and a bit more unpacking.

It's amazing how much more relaxed it is pre-course as the Assistant Course Tutor, rather than running the show as Main Course Tutor, which has been my role on all recent courses. I met with my co-tutor in the BC at 2pm and we ran over the course and had a few hours working independently. Nice being back in the centre and good to see people again and receive a warm welcome. it was quite quiet as it's the weekend here and so there were only the teachers teaching young learners (kids) today, those who were in preparing their classes for the coming week and the teachers currently studying for the Cambridge DELTA who were in for peace and quiet and to use the resources and Internet.

Bb and I are now having dinner at the cheap and cheerful Korean restaurant in Zamelek. In-between times, I had a bit of down time in the flat, when I used the frozen peas that Bb had bought for this purpose. My foot seems to have survived today, albeit just 4 hours and mainly desk work, but I sussed out the lift to the photocopier facilities, which may be a blessing for when I don't want to climb the stairs to the attic!

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