The day, my dinner and the chef.
Another scorching hot day, though the thunderstorm forecast to break this mounting hot weather has been brought forward from Saturday to Friday (school end of term party). Hopefully it won't turn out that way.
I think we have definitely become locals now, and even had lunch inside because it was a bit hot on the terrace (dinner outside though, we've not gone all the way over to the French side). And most of the day was spent indoors - with both of us applying for jobs. So lots of tedious computer work and selling ourselves which, frankly, neither of us is very comfortable doing. Now, inevitably, the waiting game; and tomorrow - more selling. Joy.
(For regular blip followers/lurkers, plans for world domination through cake have been put sort of on hold due it turning out to be a rubbish idea - according to my in house business adviser. Now we have to rely on world domination through hard work. How dull.)
The kids at school have put on an exhibition of the art work they've been doing on the Middle Ages, and jolly good it is too. I had the guided tour today, and Mr B will have that pleasure tomorrow. Though Katherine has today brought home all her school books to be kept here, making her think that work is over for the year (but with a week of school still to go I hope that's not the case... or I may be making a deduction from the cheque this month).
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