
By LadyPride

Beach memories

Weather picked up, yay! We spent the cloudier part of the morning exploring Albufeira. Mmmm wasn't a fan to be honest, glad we saw it but won't be in a rush to revisit. Talk about Brits Abroad territory!

Had a great lunch in a pizzeria on the outskirts of our resort. Funny to recognise lots of other families in there too. Our resort is gorgeous but boy you don't half pay for the privilege. Spending triple what I anticipated here but resigned myself to it now. Slapping it on the credit card and focusing on making memories.

Squidge is having a great time. Yesterday we took her to the beach to make sandcastles and jump in the sea. Melted my heart to see her finally getting a proper beach holiday. She was exhausted when we went back to the room. The late dinners and bedtimes are catching up with her. She is so sensitive to hunger and tiredness!

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