Butter wouldn't melt........

After being in quarantine for two weeks, today we went to see middle son, DiL, Olivia and Isabella......as we won't see them again now for another month, until we are back from hols!

The drive over normally takes 45-50 minutes, this morning we left home at 10 and arrived at 11.45........stop and start traffic all the way!

Isabella was wide awake when we arrived, smiling away.......then she fell asleep in her musical swing.

Daddy and Grandad went to collect Oliva from nursery, on the local bus, as Oliva likes riding on the bus ;-)

Her other Nannie walked round for a visit too, she is doing very well after her second knee replacement a few weeks ago! Olivia was all coy when she came running in, to see the two of us, as well as mummy! that last all of 10 seconds ;-)

We had a nice lunch together, Olivia's speaking is coming on well since she started Nursery.....after all she is only two and a half!

I snapped a few shots of both of them, with the intention of using one for today's blip, but this shot of Olivia stole the show! Sorry it's a bit grainy, I stupidly left my white balance on the wrong setting :-/

You can just see her pink ribbon, in her pig tail! If I could add an extra, I'd share the rear view, then you could see why I called it a pigtail, rather than pony tail ;-)

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