Simply Me

By Suze981

Kitten proofing

Tonight I have mostly been kitten proofing my flat. This has mainly involved plugging up kitten sized holes behind kitchen cupboards that Giles may get stuck in. I then tidied and made space for the mammoth bag of cat litter I bought, tied a new elasticated toy to his cat tree and moved any breakables.

I've got to say I was feeling rather smug with myself. Until I headed to my bedroom and was faced with this. My collection of beads and ties and scarves. Hmm he'd have a field day pulling all of these down and generally mangling them. As I looked around, I noticed loads of un-kitten friendly things. Sigh. I like the look of my bedroom, I like to think of it as a shabby chic/bohemian room. I can't muster the energy to find new places for everything. I say, let him play. What's the worst that could happen?

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