Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Hi tech!

J to the rescue! My deceased computer spluttered into life for a few more dying moments this morning. J raised it up and then dropped it!! And I thought she was joking...

[Edit: Lest you worry about J wrecking my gear - she lifted it about 1 cm]

But she kindly brought her MacBook for the day. Fortunately, all my music, photos and little animations and films I'd made with schoolkids were on an external hard drive, so I was able to log into iTunes Match, and upload my entire music and photo library to iCloud. Isn't technology wonderful! Well, it is when you have a techie friend...

J went off for morning tea in Bruntsfield with Bailey, and when she came back a couple of hours later, we weren't much further forward - techie things take ages. Mind you, there were thousands of photos (from 2005! Did I not take photos before that?) and hundreds of songs.

J and JR went off after lunch to see The Martian, while the dogs and I had a bit of a snooze, then a walk to the Links. We were happy to meet up with my friend S, and her wee chihuahua Rio. Rio led the two schnauzers on a merry dance - he's soooo fast.

S has been away for a while, but it seems that the problems with the antisocial teenagers have subsided a bit, thanks to various interventions. I was so pleased to run into her, and not just because the dogs had a great run around with Rio!

Back home and they're banned from the lounge till they dry off a bit (the dogs, not J & JR). The laptop is still whirring away, uploading. It will have to stay here overnight...

Fish and chips for tea!

Delivered, of course.

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